Thursday, January 8, 2009

Catching up!!!

I really don't know where the time has gone since my last post...well, maybe I do, but who has the time to go into all of that!? I do want to post some new pictures and give a brief update for those who have so faithfully prayed and wondered "how is Emma?".

Emma has made such huge strides since she came home. I've really been made aware of just how far she's come as I've looked back this week. She started pre-K on Monday and is loving it. I almost lost it in her classroom as I watched this beautiful little girl embrace her new surroundings with such grace and courage. She was a little shy at first, but within a matter of moments she was joining in and blessing my heart beyond words. She told me "good-bye" and after school ran to me saying "thank you mommy!" Oh, how I love her embraces and cherish watching her heart open.

We've had some pretty tough days, but we've had even more good days. I still ache when I see her "cope" by withdrawing and crying or banging her head on her door, but she comes out of those places so quickly and now knows a little bit more that she's truly loved and has a home. I have so much more to share, but my time is short and I want to get the pictures up.

I'm going to try to post some pictures from Thanksgiving, Christmas, and her first day of school.


Crawford said...

Life is SO busy but I'm glad you took a moment to post some pictures. Everyone looks wonderful and happy. Happy New Year to your family from our family in Washington.
Ella's Mom

tammy said...

Emma is so precious! God took care of her for you at that underground mall. God knows your heart and you are the best "MOM" for Emma and Isaiah. God bless you and your family for having a heart like Jesus. I have fallen in Love with Emma, she's doing great in school,I'm glad you decided to put her in Pre-k. I've enjoyed her in my class. She's a very beautiful little girl.
Mrs. Hernandez